Despite Problems, Consumers Choose Vista Over XP


Well,amidst all bad news for Vista and threads poking fun at the MS biggie,heres some reprieve for those at MS.

"Windows Vista didn't make a smooth market entrance; in fact, nearly every aspect of the operating system has been attacked since its release on January 30, 2007. Multiple SKUs allegedly confused customers, anti-DRM groups disliked Vista's Protected Video Path and its overall DRM friendliness, and Microsoft's definition of 'Vista Capable' got the company sued. Toss in a plethora of bugs and the usual consumer backlash over GUI changes, and you'd think consumers would be avoiding Vista in droves. According to new information, however, they aren't - Vista's adoption rate over the past year actually exceeded XP's in 2001, and consumers apparently choose Vista over XP by a 7:1 margin."

Despite problems, consumers choosing Vista over XP
People do strange things... what's new in that. Core 2 Duo is out for 1.5 years now but still people go OMG at Dual Core (Pentium D). Some even swears by P4 :rofl:
And then, didn't you chaps know that even a crappy piece (comparatively) of Netburst outsold Athlon even when Athlon had everything going for it.
People just care about vow factor. Most people are sold on aero, glossy icons, dark shining colour and M$ bullshit and not the merits of an OS.
Ask companies why they still prefer XP? Why Dell was forced to give XP to its customers? Why enthusiats still like to tinker with XP and why hardcore gamers, despite all the DX10 blah blah, cant give up XP?
Nobody is saying that Vista won't be mainstream. After all wasn't windows 2000 a mainstream once upon a time and wasn't IE, despite its flaws, was the dominant browser before Firefox and Opera ate into its share.
The issue at hand is why M$, the mightiest software company in the world with enough moolah to buy and hire best in the world, took five years, weaved a grand dream, promised PC users a product equal to Mac OS and came out this bloat?
morgoth said:
The issue at hand is why M$, the mightiest software company in the world with enough moolah to buy and hire best in the world, took five years, weaved a grand dream, promised PC users a product equal to Mac OS and came out this bloat?

Because it can!!
ya its true people are mearely fascinated by vista and its effects without knowing much about the OS.. those effects can be bought to xp easily with some software...
kaneunderground said:
vista s newest version named vienna(rumour) is gonna be launched soon... wghich consumes less ram & is much better..

Vienna and soon ^o
The date is 2010 if M$ can deliver it on time :rofl:
The new version is NOT called Vienna. It is called Windows 7 internally, and indications are they will call it Windows 2000 and something (depending on when they actually release it) externally.

No one knows whether it consumes less RAM - you guys are confusing one thing with another.
KingKrool said:
The new version is NOT called Vienna. It is called Windows 7 internally, and indications are they will call it Windows 2000 and something (depending on when they actually release it) externally.
No one knows whether it consumes less RAM - you guys are confusing one thing with another.
morgoth said:
Ask companies why they still prefer XP? Why Dell was forced to give XP to its customers? Why enthusiats still like to tinker with XP and why hardcore gamers, despite all the DX10 blah blah, cant give up XP?

I'd like to ask why companies moved from Windows 2000 to XP. IMO, Win2000 was far better and companies really didn't need to adopt XP. It has cost my company a lot of money in terms of PC and laptop upgrades. I guess companies like to throw money to appease Microsoft.
WE like the looks first > cant remove my eyes outta vista.. even though ppl hav hard time using it , if ur r a hardcore gamer n prefer much bettter security clean system then VISTA is 4 u ... PROVIDE u hav 2 gb ram :eek:hyeah: :bleh:
kaneunderground said:
WE like the looks first > cant remove my eyes outta vista.. even though ppl hav hard time using it , if ur r a hardcore gamer n prefer much bettter security clean system then VISTA is 4 u ... PROVIDE u hav 2 gb ram :eek:hyeah: :bleh:

yup same for me.. & i think vista is way better tht xp in terms of responsiveness....