Devil May Cry 4 rumored to be Xbox 360 bound
Devil May Cry 4 rumored to be Xbox 360 bound - PS3 Fanboy
Rumors are a dime a dozen. However, they become a little bit more valuable when they come from the Official PlayStation Magazine. The latest issue states that Capcom is bringing the beautiful looking game to the Xbox 360. If true, and we're starting to believe, then this will be a big blow to the PS3.
Of course, these are all still rumors, no matter how confident PSM seems to be in their sources. Capcom is remaining silent... for now. I give this one a 75% chance of being true. I give a 100% chance for anti-Sony fanboys to clog the comments section with tons of useful wisdom and commentary.
Devil May Cry 4 rumored to be Xbox 360 bound - PS3 Fanboy