CPU/Mobo DFI India Contacts

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Hi Guys

A Guy called "amit_arya" on Digit pointed out this to me.

DFI Products in India
Check:- http://www.dfi.com.tw/wheretobuy/df...YPE=US&INDEX_TYPE=MB&CATEGORY_TYPE=MB&SITE=US

Maxtone Electronics Pvt Ltd
unit no 414,
Creative Ind. Estate,
N.M.Joshi Marg,Lower Parel (E) ,
Mumbai 400 011 India
TEL : 91-22-3075393, 91-22-3091664
FAX : 91-22-3088545, 91-22-3011818

Zeta Technologies
A/2, Shreeji Niketan,
541/D, Dr. Ambedkar Rd.,
Matunga, C.Rly.,
Mumbai, India
TEL : +91-22-4102288
FAX : +91-22-4102277

Well shud we give a call and ask if they have the DFI NF4 LP Mobos
Well i know that they used to stock.
But that guy on Digit brought this to my notice & donno why DFI still has its
contact details on there site if they dont sell there products here now.
Zeta no more exists.

It is history.
I am doubtful about Maxtone.
They were supposed to get Sapphire products too,donno if they got it.
Its history allright... I got my first Athlon T-Bird Mobo from those sources only... But unfortunately... They no longer do DFI now...
Even i got my
1 X DFI AD77
2 x DFI AD77 Pro

from them[Zeta]
the Pro boards are doing just great. but the plain was a pain in the a**
Zeta was pathetic.
Had to wage a war for replacement of my Ti4200
those dumbasses gave me ATI Radeon 9600SE as replacement for Ti4200 VIVO Edition.

Later they gave me 5600 VIVO edition.

Not a great card but then Ti was discontinued
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