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EDIT: Lanparty Ultra D or Ultra Infinity?
(A8R32-MVP out of my budget)

Well guys my motherboard choices are really confusing. I have an good option, my cousin is goin to s'pore on the 15th March and the price of the lanparty ultra d is 6.5 k there. I also plan to get a decent cooler for a Venice CPU and OC it like crazy :ohyeah: The Lanparty ultra Infinity is also available for 4.5 k with similar features(no UV reflective stuff, only 6 channel sound,and just one Gig-E port but its fine for my needs). So should i go for the ultra or the infinity. Both OC similarly with the ultra D abt 5% more so not much diff. So what do u guys say? Also suggestions for a decent cooler. Heres a link to whats available there. Around 60-70 S'pore$ for the cooler http://resources.vr-zone.com/sls/hwplace2.php Waiting for suggestions.
MY vote is for a cheap mobo now and the A8R 32 MVP later on.......

And you can buy a Zalman CNPS 7700 CU or AL CU
Yea i thought of the A8R-MVP but the lanparty ultra d is much more appealing. And just checked the price of the A8R32-MVP. Its $232 right now :S I expect it to drop to around $200 but thats also out of my budget. So its down to the Lanparty Ultra and infinity then. Do u think its better spending 2k more and goin for the ultra or is the infinity enough?
Depends on how far you wish to go on OCing ....
If you wanna do occasional OCing then i guess Infinity is good enough.
Otherwise go for Ultra-d
But remember,you have to work a lot to extract the magic out of the DFI NF4 Lanparty boards.
If you have the patience to do so,look no further than DFI NF4 ULtra-D
Well i plan to OC the 3000+ to 2.4 Ghz and then after that we'll see how much more :P The bios of both the boards is similar, the only thing missing from infinity is th 180 Mhz memory divider and 4 V for Vdimm( like im gonna push beyond 3 V :bleh: ). The max HT speed for ultra is 318 mhz vs 306 for infinity and pretty much everything else is the same. Just that the ulta comes with the UV reactive slots and cables and some extra stuff. so shd i save 2k and go for infinity or is the ultra worth it?

edit: mods can u change thread name to lanparty ultra d or ultra infinity?
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