CPU/Mobo DFI Lanparty UT RDX200 CF-DR

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Damn ...One more change to the positions of the ddr slots :S .....dnt get it why they keep doin tht ??

Now any heavy cooling wont b quite possible on the GFx whn used in 1st pci-e x16 :no:
Hmm look very impressive, lets see the results though, Does ATI Radeon 200 express live upto its hype....
Well DFI stands for Design for Innovation
always comming with something new , some time the ram slots are above the proccy
socket some times to the left sometimes to the right ;)
Rockyme2002 said:
They did it in this ....rite?? ;)
atleast they stated so :cool2:
No jumper for 3.3V and 5V. So it seems like its feeding from the 5V for all voltages. Similar to the DFI NF2 boards. Seems like DFI learnt from its mistakes and is offering what the overclocker wants :).
looks very promising mobo ...... buy y very few manufactures are coming with Ati chipset ....i mean for AMD ....... anyways Dfi is the king when it comes to OCing ....i think that y it is not available in India ....
Nope, had a long talk with Mnemonic systems.
The reason for zeta dropping them before zeta closed and other distros not accepting DFI is bcoz DFI wants certain price for their mobos. They were not willing to give dealer the %age that indian distros wanted. So whole deale was messed up and eventually noone was willing to deal with them. And DFI was not ready to offer 1 paisa higher either.
So end result- no DFI here. And from the looks of it they will have hard time if they dont change their view about indian market.
anyways India is not a big market for them .....in india only VM kinda mobo's sells in good volumes and Dfi doesn't have much of them ..... so i think they are not much interested in indian markets......bad for us....
No no.... there are plenty of enthusiasts in the Indian market also.

See it this way, most of us at TE would buy a DFI. If not for oc'ing at least for the name. If you have a DFI does not mean you should OC. See Crazy_eddy. He has a DFi but he uses it to run his system at stock. He tried oc'ing once..... NOt much.....

If they come into India, they will do well.... no doubt abt that.... also their mobos are UV reactive(or something like that). This will also add to the appeal of the mobo...
yeah thats true but very few people are there purchasing DFi if u compare the market with US ......
Nikhil said:
See Crazy_eddy. He has a DFi but he uses it to run his system at stock. He tried oc'ing once..... NOt much.....
Dude, thats an insult :P
Of course i'm always experimenting/OC'ing the system, just that i'm caught up with other things so dont get much time to follow it up or post screenies ;)
OOPS!!! Sorry.....

but you yourslef had mentioned in another post that you were using it for stable computing.....

Anyway sorry..... no offence..... Guess your lack of results gives me this impression.....

Then come on!!! Start oc'ing..... post some results!!!! s
Even if eddy with a DFI doesnt OC as others with DFI
but DFI is a gr8 mobo still , the OCing ability of the mobo tells us about the gr8 quality of parts used to make that mobo.

It aint compulsary that ppl with a DFI must compulsary OC there sys
hehe...... but i have't come across any person who is having a Dfi and not OCing them ...... i think they are made to OC ....
rahul3111 said:
hehe...... but i have't come across any person who is having a Dfi and not OCing them ...... i think they are made to OC ....

I know there aint any person with DFI not Ocing but its personal choice.

All i wanted to conclude that a mobo which has tremendous potential has gr8 parts used on it.
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