DId anyone watch "I,Video Game" on thursday??

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The prog. aired yesterday on discovery channel.Showed the birth and evolution of video games....How computer games like space invaders,pacman,etc came into existence,how cold war contributed to the whole process,etc,etc...It was fun to watch:)
i watched it. It was at 10pm on thursday.

its a 5hr(episodes) "rockumentary"(dunno wat tat means).

they started from Pong and then pac-man, atari,tetris . dunno when the next episode is. next thursday maybe?
Damn it! I remember the ads and banner ads for this show and I still missed it. When is the rerun for the first episdoe?
Secnd that, I want to see the re-run, why couldn't anyone make a post here before the show aired !! >_<

I bet they must've shown how consoles nearly died out after E.T's official Videogame released in somewhere around 1982-5.
^^ Yes they did! It was Atari's ET game that killed it for everybody then.. heh heh.. and at one point (PONG ) ATARI coudnt manufacture them enuff to keep up with the demand!
Apparently, there are only two reruns shown. One on the same day - thursday and the other on friday. Why couldn't they have one on the weekends like all the smart channels do?
Watched it yesterday, it was awesome! Talked about how Nintendo (Mario+Zelda) saved gaming from going extinct, then talked about the great 3D gaming boom and adults coming into gaming because of Playstation and GTA. Show was documented by lots of video game journalists and IGN.com Vice President.
Ya it was great.But i liked the first episode better.Upcoming episodes would be interesting.They will talk about the future of gaming!!
Yeah if anyone knows if Discovery will ever air the re-run of the first episode please do tell.

And so is this supposed to run every thursday at 10? Makes a good combination with 'A Haunting' afterwards!
Yeah its a nice show i saw it yesterday ...they showed all about the GTA series and many more things
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