Did u guys see 'The Triangle' on Star Movies

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Hi all,
Did anybody see the ' The Triangle'' on Star Movies. It's a fictional account of what might be going on in the Bermuda Triangle. Here's the wikipedia link about it. I do still have the Charles Berlitz paperback. Bought it way-back in school around 15 yrs. back. Had saved almost a month's or 2 month's allowance so that I could buy the popular paperback edition from the street.
actually i saw the first part but they extended to 2nd part and managed to see that also but they again extended to 3rd part :@ ....bah i didnt have time to see the final part :(
you didn't miss much. They talked a little about the Posiedon Experiment (I don't know if many people know about it or not) & then finally its revealed that there is a wormhole (one of the popular theories) a portal into multi-verses different time space continium. Then its revealed that the Navy's scientists have been building an electromagnetic gigantic gun which they hope will close the tear forever at a precise moment when a `crux moment' is going to happen. The navy guys fear the worst. However this backfires & one of the scientists goes back for few hours. This time he's able to hault the explosion & at the crux moment the tear heals itself.
they could have made it short. It was very long to be called an eng movie. I wonder what they were thinking to produce in 4 hrs duration.
Yeah was watching it yesterday.Loved how my bro kept insulting the cheesy special effects in it (he has every right to, he himself does special effects) :D
[D]igital [D]eath said:
Yeah was watching it yesterday.Loved how my bro kept insulting the cheesy special effects in it (he has every right to, he himself does special effects) :D

Well i don't think the effects were that bad, more so because it was not exactly a hollywood movie,and just a TV series,albeit with a few stars.

BTW i really did like the storyline, these stories abt the relativistic time related phenomenon, they really make you think ,and give us some idea about how complicated the world might actually be, even if everything seems simple,
and even if it's all fictional, it's at least theoretically , not impossible .......yeah i know that's too much:bleh: :bleh:

BTW i've been googling abt the Bermuda triangle ever since i watched the first episode, really intriguing:hap2: :hap2: .
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