Digital pic with your regular 35mm camera

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Found this old page .... "digital film cassette" for regular 35mm cameras.... only US$ 1000 per cassette - 1998 price ....

EFS-1 looks like a regular film cassette, with a rigid tongue of 'film' sticking out, which fits into the camera's film cavity. Mounted on the rigid tongue is a 1.3 megapixel (1280 x 1024) CMOS sensor which sits in the film plane. Inside the cassette is 40MB of storage and a standard camera battery.

IMAGEK EFS-1 - Every 35mm Camera a Digital Camera
Hehe yeah remember this. Was an interesting concept - however the resolution is much too low, and so is the mem space!

Moreover the company never really released the product (i.e. vaporware). As of now the company has renamed itself to Silicon Film or something, and still no product as yet :hap5:
i already ..used to get digital prints..when i get my film roll for devloping..and they also give a free cd of all the photos...but now..i have switched t othe sony the old just of no use..
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