Dilemma = ADSL Modem + Router or ADSL Router

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modem + router separately, always!

@dinjo - i have a zyxel lying around - pretty good. I have used tp link as well - pretty good! You cant go wrong with either, but TP-Link would be my choice...

Asus RTN16 still kicks ass.... :)
So TP Link 8817 would be good enough for MTNL right ? Not sure whether i need USB port or not ?
TP link has the trendchip which is good if you live near (say 4~5kms) the ISP exchange (their DSLAM). whereas routers with broadcom chip (beetel, dlink, tenda, one specific model of tplink forgot its model no etc) will be good if you live far away from the exchange. depends on line quality also. but you can specifically ask your ISP technician to recommend an ADSL modem.

if you need USB filesharing/bittorrent capability RT-N16 is the best VFM wifi gigabit lan router at present. TomatoUSB with the shibby mod is just awesome with the transmission bt client. else you can settle for less. if you have very heavy media streaming requirements and the monies get a dual band router.

my zyxel adsl router cost INR1200. can't find out what chip it has :p btw all these models are available on ebay.in. since you are going to get a separate wifi router a single port ADSL modem is enough and the best config would be to put the ADSL modem in bridge mode and let the wifi router do all the work i.e setup the pppoe details in the wifi router.

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modem + router separately, always!

@dinjo - i have a zyxel lying around - pretty good. I have used tp link as well - pretty good! You cant go wrong with either, but TP-Link would be my choice...

Asus RTN16 still kicks ass.... :)
That is what the OP used to have until he decided to get smart and combine the two.

The N13 has better wifi range than the N16. But the N16 can handle more connections. OP had no problems with N13 for downloading. But now he has this additional streaming requirement so i doubt the N13 could handle both.

What is required here is to seperate out the functionality. Downloading on one device, streaming with another.

But he is budget constrained. Better to save up and get the right equipment.
@vivek.krishnan - Did you actually got a gigabit router for yourself ?

I'm currently using a very old modem router which i was able to find from somewhere at my house , plan to travel to Lamington today and get RT N15U or RT N16 though I'm still undecided on router
@vivek.krishnan - Did you actually got a gigabit router for yourself ?

I'm currently using a very old modem router which i was able to find from somewhere at my house , plan to travel to Lamington today and get RT N15U or RT N16 though I'm still undecided on router

Nopes - will do it in Jan. With almost negligible time at home, I dont see any point in getting one.

I would suggest a used N16 rather than a new one. You can get one cheap on the forums.
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