PC Peripherals Directional Wi-Fi antennas (DIY or otherwise)


My wifi router is in my living room and for a variety of reasons can't be relocated elsewhere. Although I have good coverage everywhere in my house by using an older router as a range extender, it seems very wasteful that 50% of the main router's power is wasted blasting out signal away from my house.

Is there any way I can replace the omnidirectional antennas with directional ones (old timers may remember the DIY windsurfer from way back) so that my wifi signal is more "concentrated" within my house and less so outside it?
I had printed a 3D printable directional antenna for accessing farther-off wi-fi signals and it worked well.
I had printed a 3D printable directional antenna for accessing farther-off wi-fi signals and it worked well.
Haha the windsurfer I was talking about is essentially the 20 year old version of this, except the backing is simple cardboard instead of filament!

Do you have any signal strength measurements for before/after?
I had made it for exploring the radio environment around me, and I was able to see many more networks around me, IIRC around 3x more from a ~150m radius than without this antenna.

Earlier I could only see some of the farther off SSIDs but not capture useful handshakes, while with this booster on my antenna it was possible to drop connections as well as capture packets for further processing, so the antenna was quite successful for my use case.
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