DirectX 12

Who wants to bet that Microsoft has paid for/licensed AMD's Mantle code and simply rebranding/renaming it as DX12 with little modification? :D
Yes, and that was an old AMD card. The benchmarks for Fury might be better. Anyway, it's good that there's still competition. A monopoly is never a good thing for consumers.
Too early to tell if amd has a lead in dx12 gaming but on the bright side at least the performance claims of dx12 were not exaggerated.
Another game 'ARK' will be getting patched for dx12 tomorrow (Friday). that should provide some more dx12 benches.

Well that game is based on the same engine as the Star Swarm Mantle demo. The main issue with AMD's DX11 drivers was that they didn't have multi-threaded batch submissions which NVIDIA has had since the last 2-3 years. As a result AMD drivers have always been more cpu hungry in DX11. The same issue exists in Project Cars as well where NVIDIA has much better performance. As for DX12 drivers, things can only improve on both sides. Also one must remember that AMD's mantle experience might help them in getting an early lead.