CPU/Mobo Disabling a cpu core to save power

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I am thinking of upgrading a old p4 system used by my family , it is only used for facebook & email , so almost any cpu mobo can do the job

I have a extra i3 550+h55 mobo , thinking of either selling it & getting G530 + h61 or keeping the i3 550 & disabling a core to reduce power consumpton so that the 5 year old cooler master 350 watt psu in that system can easily handle the load.

I dont like selling online & i am also not getting good price for the combo so i would prefer to keep this sytem , i want to reduce the power consumption of the i3 , will disabling a core effect the power consumption or will i have to downclock it?
Disabling cores and downclocking are both directly related to power consumption, though your problem will be that power supply. After 5 years I don't know how stable that Coolermaster power supply is. They are frugal engineers and definitely do not build things to last - specially their older power supplies.

It's not just a case of whether the power supply can take it, it's also a case of whether your mobo has enough protection built in against a deadly attack from an aging, unreliably built PSU.

Good Luck.
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