Disabling FileSystem Caching

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VirTuaLiZaTioN Freak
hi ,
is there any option in Windows Server 2008/Vista 64 Bit for disabling for File System caching ...
meanwhile i had set

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\LargeSystemCache to 0

this does serves the purpose to a gr8 extent but does disables that effectively ,
windows v6 64 bit oses caches filesystem objects intensively nd then flushes back in a Lazy manner which is not required in our setup

Actually , now i had started liking FILE SYSTEM CACHING , particularly when i am now know to its benefits and able to analyze the difference using Specific COUNTERS in perfmon.msc , after all , wisely said - UNUSED RAM = WASTED RAM :) ...
Thanks a Lot to Solesom + Winternals
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