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It 44 degrees here in UP and there is no AC in my room. Temps are bad in general.:sweatsmile::sweatsmile: (If you have an AC in you room im sure you would see better temps than mines)

I dont play those game but ran DS3 at a locked 60fps with no issue. Temps were around 82-84 degrees. Even my GPU is running hot its usually well below  70 and sits around 65 degrees in normal weather around 30-35 degrees ambient. The fan profile seems similar to the ones you find on a Laptop. It just runs hot by design. Vcore looks to be 1.331V I hope and not 1.550V!


[SPOILER="DS3 Temps"][ATTACH=full]136113[/ATTACH][/SPOILER]

Just a quick update for those who buy this desktop kit and want to game with it. Its better to upgrade from C04 has the windows power plans dont work and the CPU runs much hotter even ST loads.

Upgraded to C06 then C07. Seeing a good decrease in both GPU and CPU temps.


Another update with C09 BIOS. Huge differnces in temps compared to C04.