Dispelling Inverter advertising myths

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I have a 2T and a 1T AC, only one used at a time.

1T is from 1999, well before star ratings. Max consumption 1500W, with average duty cycle of 85-90%, with a very high heatload (S facing room with lots of glass).

2T is 2-star (2009 ratings, so 0 star today). Max consumption is 2100W. Average duty cycle is 40%, with a relatively low heatload, a small room and not many human beings. Can easily turn on a 600W gaming machine, the added heat is not a problem for this unit.

Both ACs are on-off cycle operation. Total AC usage is about 11 hours a day, 5 months a year. I have mostly been using the 2T unit as the 1T is simply not able to keep that room cool. This means the 2T is alone doing most of the running. Contrary to popular belief, this actually saves power.

I got my first summer bill today, the differential cost for the air conditioning is about 1200-1400. Note that Calcutta has the highest energy charge in India (I pay ~7.50 per unit and yes, the more I consume the more I pay - usage above 300U is charged @Rs. 9.50 per unit). The billing shows me additional 170 unit in this month, most due to the AC usage. Both have pretty similar power consumption average. Most of India will be paying a lot less than I do.

The 2565/- figure for a 1.5T is bullshit because the compressor will turn off totally when the set temperature is reached, and therefore the lakhs of rupees savings that Sharp imagines is bullshit too. We've had a long discussion on another thread and the one place where inverters score is maintaining a more constant temperature with lower delta above and below the set temp. On the energy saving, it comes down to how hot the room gets (internal + external heatload, leakage, etc) and how much tonnage you throw at it.

Can't comment on the 875 average, as it will largely depend on heatload. No airconditioner will deliver the exact same result in two different rooms or with two different users. I'm guessing that's the reason for the evidence and the user derived results not matching.

For example, the additional cost of airconditioning my parents' bedroom is just Rs. 400. It's a 3-star 1T AC (non-inverter) cooling a 12x12 room on the ground floor, used about 5 hours a day. The additional energy cost is paltry, the duty cycle is about 20%, with the comrpessor staying totally switched off - so much lower consumption than an inverter unit.

I also can't imagine the reason for abusive language and name calling, no provocation merits it. TE is a place for reasoned discussion, this strong defense of one's choices and results, with no other opinion being acceptable, is beginning to resemble political discussions. It's shameful and just goes to show the drop in the quality of users over the years.

The word 'advertising' in the thread title is causing adblocker conflict, that's my guess.
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Anyone shed some light on the new models from Samsung featuring triangular fan. Model Nos - AR18HV5
Seems 10yr warranty for compressor & 5yr for coil.
Every shop is pushing these models back home.
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