I am planning to buy a phone, still doing research but could not figure out which one will be the best buy.
Comparing MotoG4Plus and SamsungA7 display specifications both the specs look alike. But SamsungA7 display is far better that Moto G4 plus display when I actually saw the phone. There are few phones like this which look better than samsung on specs eg. lenovo k5
Did I miss some part of the specification here. Also most specifications does not specify is the body is metal or non metal.
I am planning to buy a phone, still doing research but could not figure out which one will be the best buy.
Comparing MotoG4Plus and SamsungA7 display specifications both the specs look alike. But SamsungA7 display is far better that Moto G4 plus display when I actually saw the phone. There are few phones like this which look better than samsung on specs eg. lenovo k5
Did I miss some part of the specification here. Also most specifications does not specify is the body is metal or non metal.