Video distorted text at 1920x1080 in my samsung 26" LED Tv


Hi guys,
I am facing this issue of having distorted text at 1920x1080 on my 26" SAMSUNG LED TV (UA26C4000PM ). The spec shows that the native resolution for the TV is 1366x768. Is it because of that reason??
I have connected it using a DVI-HDMI cable as suggested in the manual and is being connected to the first HDMI port of the TV. I am afraid now that this turned out to be a bad investment.
Please help me out
no replies yet? Admin, could you please move it another section which is more appropriate? I guess I should have posted it in the peripherals section:(
You could probabily post some pics to explain what you mean by distorted text. Someone else might have experienced the same and tell you the solution.
Its clear...

Your Tv is downscaling he 1920x1080 signal to 1366x768..
You should set the resolution to 1366x768 then no upscale/downscale would occur...
your text should appear correctly...
Sorry for the late reply friends. Thanks for the info. I am currently running it in 1360x768 only. Just wanted to know whether it can be pushed further. I thought scaling down to lesser resolution under the same aspect ratio wouldn't cause any problem with the display clarity. Guess I was wrong. Thanks again:)