Windows Dllhost.exe---COM Surrogate process eating full system RAM

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Suddenly laptop got slow and this is what I found in Task manager:



Almost full physical ram been used by that process.

If tried opening any folder or even start menu, get these errors:



Scanned with malwarebytes and found some 357 threats:


Eset was disabled yesterday for some work and may be threat kicked in at that time.

DLLhost.exe still resides in windows path. Was wondering shall I delete it or keep it.
its a system process to launch a dll as a process. dont delete it. process explorer is your friend. find which dll and how its launched etc.. then delete the keys from registry and delete that dll. you can find all of that info from process explorer. you can also use autoruns to clean your system.
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Some times The problem appears when dllhost.exe attempts to create a thumbnail of an mp4 file, but for some reason cannot complete the task, and starts reading the hard drive non stop and filling all physical Ram, and starts using the swap file, Try these links for the work around

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