Do companies take the Bond seriously


Hello Everyone,
I am a B.Tech I.T student and have complete my Engg this year only and as you all may be knowing because of the market slum there are no opening for I.T jobs and also i got placed in satyam computers through campus placement but didnt got any joining date till now, so for meanwhile i gave some of the interviews for BPO as they were hiring and now i am selected in HCL BPO for technical support but they are saying that i will have to sign a 9 months bond for that, they are not asking me to submit any documents or money to them, but the bond say they can charge upto 1lakh to me for violation.

the problem is i dont plan to work there for more than 3-4 months as i would be side side trying my luck in the I.T industry and aslo would probably going for MS from australia during june.

But i asked from many seniors and they said the max they can do is they wont provide the exp certificate to you. I talked about the bond with the HR and his views were like this bond is a mere formality.

But i am confused if they could take any legal action against me as they are asking me to sign on the stamp paper for the bond.
Thanks for reading.
Well bonded labour is illegal AFAIK.....:p

All they can do is not give u your experience certificate ...:)......
9 months isn't that long and there is no garuntee that you will get the job you want.

I would read the contract/bond and see what a violation constitutes.

But 9months isn't that long, wouldn't it be better to get that extra 5months experiance?

If you don't intend to work there for long, then no point in making any false comittments.

Only you know what you want. I believe you need to think your steps through properly, or you will end up in a legal situation which will cost you alot. However, that said, its always best to get legal advice and if I know what India is like, that isn't going to be easy.
If Adios is planning to go abroad for study, then having an exp in BPO will do him no good than having no exp...

AFAIK Work with bond is illagal in India and what the company can do to the max is that they can block anything with which they have control over like.. any amount that is due to you, exp certificate, denying response for verifications (this happens only if you mention this job in your resume )...

It seems that we have lawyers in TE..:hap2: They can shed some more light into this as I am also keen in listening more on this topic...
a bond may be illegal, but the threat of litigation is still very real. They can have you caught up legally for a while before you can get it cleared. Companies use it more as a deterrent, and most people would rather pay up than get themselves and their guarantors involved in a prolonged case.

if you are sure that you can get something better in 3~4 months, dont sign the bond and work without pay for these 3 months ( say you sent it to your dad to sign, and he keeps forgetting to send it back or something). if at the end of 3~4 months, if you get a better job, you have no strings attatched , though you may be poorer by your salary. If you dont get anything, submit the bond and enjoy the salary :p
1. AFAIK, no company has gone the legal route over a bond 'yet'.

2. Even wat to do varies from company to company, some dont bother/care, others will at max block ur exp certificate (one from a BPO is generally useless if you are going to any other field) + any PF/balance salary etc which maybe pending they will try to avoid paying you. Thats pretty much the max that happens.

3. Also, most companies HR will usually waive the bond wen u need to leave if u go and ask nicely :p I have had friends under the info 1 yr bond. Even otherwise, they are required to give 1 month notice. Guy I know went, talked to HR, and left in 15 days (he was in the 1yr bond too :p). If theres no real work pending from you, companies wont hold you and pay u more salary :p Usually, they ll just let u leave. Its more of a deterrent to keep employees from thinkin of leaving the job for some period :p.
One of my colleague left the company after 1.5 years, the bond was for 2 years. they denied him his experience certificate, but it seems he had already explained his next employer thay they will refuse the exp. certificate and they bought huis story :p so no experience certificate for bond money, everyone happy :p
Bonds are very much real and are quite legal as well. The most important matter is the fine print which you would need to read.

If they say that they are making an investment of some sort on you for your training purpose and it is something that you have volunteered for, then it is something to ponder about.

Of course, all the matter changes over company to company, if you can, get someone else's copy of the bond examined before you sign it.
SunnyBoi said:
One of my colleague left the company after 1.5 years, the bond was for 2 years. they denied him his experience certificate, but it seems he had already explained his next employer thay they will refuse the exp. certificate and they bought huis story :p so no experience certificate for bond money, everyone happy :p

It will come back to haunt him when he leaves his current employer!
When I said they bought his story, i meant they accepted what he said and they were fine with it. I guess he cannot cite the 1.5years of exp when he asks for the next job.
Thanks everyone for your knowledge full replies.
Actually as of now my priority is to go for MS but i dont want to sit idle for the next six months, so i wanted to do some kind of job but as of now there are no vacancies in the IT market, so was trying for BPO, i dont care if they dont provide me any exp certificate as it would be of no use in the IT sector which is what i want to join later on.
Thanks everyone for your knowledge full replies.
Actually as of now my priority is to go for MS but i dont want to sit idle for the next six months, so i wanted to do some kind of job but as of now there are no vacancies in the IT market, so was trying for BPO, i dont care if they dont provide me any exp certificate as it would be of no use in the IT sector which is what i want to join later on.

The problem is i tried in some other BPO's too and cleared all their rounds but most of them said they would call in a week or so but it has been 10 days and no one called, all they say is they would call us soon and the HCL guyz didnt told me about the Bond earlier on, so i went on with the process and after all that when they offered me a joining letter they told me about the bond.
Some companies deal with bonds strictly, some dont. if the bond is "one-sided" it will not stand in courts. But I would advice rather than getting into that @3$#%, Stay away from "Bond" options. Dont jump into a job for the sake of it. Invest your 2-3 months into learning stuff which can help you with your MS.
don worry dude....dey wont do anythin.....its better to work dan just u goin abroad....just join it get some extra cash n most dey wont give u experince certi n in ur case u wont need dat if u goin for just join n njoy..........
You are a BTech in IT and you want to do a BPO tech support job? Any other work at a lower pay scale in a software development firm would be better in terms of experience. If you go to a software development company after 4 months, this experience of a BPO is not going to help you. On the contrary, the BPO work may cause unnecessary stress if you are not aware of the expectations in terms of time and efforts!
Bonds are legal in india. And yes Companies have gone for litigation in the past.
Now for the non scary part. Bonds are legal because the employee may have information that can harm the company if he joins a competitor. Check these points to check the validity of bond. However, the rules may change if you hold an imp position in the company
1)duration. Now a 6 months bond is valid. A one year bond debatable. 2 year bond is a joke.
2)places you can join. No bond can say that you cannot leave a job just like that. A bpo and IT company or a university arent competitors. Most cases will have to specify the geography as well. so a blanket bond is invalid. They have to be specific .
Most likely they wont make a valid bond. It will be a gimmick. So you will not be have an legal issues. Evenif they do in to court, you wont have anything to worry. You might have issues with gettin pf, experience certificate etc.
i know a reputed company in india havin some of the best lawyers go for litigation. Was a gimmick. Coz they lost all of them.
Well i think that they asked me and my friends to sign the bond just because we were from Engg background because i think they were a bit reluctant to provide three months training and side by side also pay him then see that person go away, i have never a heard, a BPO asking to sign a Bond.
Given that it is a BPO company, in all probability, they are not going to bother. I highly doubt that they are willing to spend on litigation. I've only heard of Wipro and such companies going after their employees in this manner.