Do companies take the Bond seriously

it's stupid to leave in 1.5 years if you have a 2 years bond, IMO pay the rest and leave the company with exp. certificate and honor.

It's not illegal to be in bond, as you need a job and you provide assurance to the employer that you'll be their for X month duration and in return company also assures you they will not throw you out before that time(fine prints to be read carefully: We can revoke job in case if extreme adverse situation faced)

Their are many who abscond from company and show their payslip to new one as their proof of exp years.Many smart one take their pst/nsf mail database to show.

Well in your case 9months isn't much and that will pass in learning lot and making new good friends. Welcome to corporate

Sorry if I am hijacking your thread ;)

How can a company block the PF when it is a govt. related thing?... at least we should get the part that we have contributed to PF,rt?