PC Peripherals Do foreign websites ship products to india?

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Do websites like amazon.com or newegg or tigerdirect ship to india and if so then how much customs duty ( in %) do we have to pay ??? In other words how much additional costs do we have to pay to get the products to india????? Also is there a way to aviod customs:@ :@ duty????
Ive bought dvd's worth a few hundred $$ off amazon. Mostly 70-80$ worth at a time. Generally get here in 10 days or so, never had any problems with customs.

And bought Razer CH + Exactmat from razerzone.com, total value $105, again no problems with customs :)
Aditya said:
Customs are 33%. and if your product is over 250$, youll be charged.


Does this apply to only things that have got something to do with computers ?

or everything electronic ?
oh wait.. so if i order stuff for 200$. anything.. electronic/computers etc etc. i wont be charged any customs on it?? nothing?? are you sure?

and what is the mode of payment on these sites?
Alright I tried to order RAM from a site which ships to india just to see what will I be charged.. The ram was worth $88 and the total including shipping and tax was $200.

So if you guys want to know the shipping then just make your purchase and go till it calculates the total cost to see if there is tax or not.

Does that imply to newegg,com too?
Im importing stuff worth around $220 from US, will I be charged with customs?
AND new-egg does not even ship to canada.. let alone india.
However if someone is getting this stuff for you then you should not worry about customs anyway
could some1 tell me how much would 4 boxes od 15$ each worth dvd boxes cost shipping 2 india from amazon? maybe we can do something for the community :D
Well, mostly, Customs follow whats Written on the Packaging.
So if some1 can Undervalue the product for you, then you may not be charged customs for even a 300$ product.
SoulFire said:
could some1 tell me how much would 4 boxes od 15$ each worth dvd boxes cost shipping 2 india from amazon? maybe we can do something for the community :D

Amazon will only ship
1. Books
2. DVD Movies
3. Audio CD's
4. VHS Tapes

internationally. Everything else is US Only. Maybe Blank Media is a loophole in their rules, so they might just ship it. Worth a try i guess.
Renegade said:
Alright I tried to order RAM from a site which ships to india just to see what will I be charged.. The ram was worth $88 and the total including shipping and tax was $200.

So if you guys want to know the shipping then just make your purchase and go till it calculates the total cost to see if there is tax or not.
AND new-egg does not even ship to canada.. let alone india.
However if someone is getting this stuff for you then you should not worry about customs anyway

Yeah, some of these websites dont ship to India. I dealt with these issues until my cousin who lives in US suggested that I use a parcel forwarding service which I did; called Shipito. You can buy anything online from the US retailers and Shipito gives you a designated US address. Once they receive the parts etc they forward it to you in India. I thought they were the cheapest and my parts came in one peice :)
Just a small list for u guys...specially renegade:

1. Mod stuff, water cooling and a ot of fans:

Performance-PCs.com, ... sleeve it and they will come

Amazing service and u will get ure stuff in a weeks time, but shipping is high

Sidewinder Computers - Supplier of High Quality PC Modding and Cooling parts

Not as much stuff as ppcs, but lower shipping for 2/3 low weight items

Chilled PC - The one stop online shop for all your computer COOLING needs - Home

Dont know if the link is right, but google it. Lowest shipping and great for some mod stuff, fans and u can get water cooling kits without any shipping as of now

2. Ram and some OCZ stuff:


Best site for rams and some ocz stuff. Shipping is more or less flat 10 pounds to India and they have some very good ram kits at a very good price.

Thgese are the sites that I have personally used, so can vouch for them.
will the courier service handle all the hassles of customs or i should go to the customs office and free my stuff?????? can u plzz explain
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