PC Peripherals Do i need a PSU ?

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Well, I have a Old Dual Core processor -Which is really power hungry -2.8Ghz with 4MB cache,95w, on a DG965RY board. Extinct by today's Standards. I have four ram Chips 512 mb each and 2 HDD's. a wifi PCI card, and a 8600 GT (Doesn't need an extra power pin). I have a really inexpensive iball PSU (it says 400w) which I have been running since the last three years, and did the job fine !
I usually game on my xbox, so i didn't bother upgrading too much , but i am addicted to Counter strike on the PC.

Of late my PC's been freezing without a reason. Checked my bios , it read the voltage on +12V as 11.2 and on +5.5v as 4.7 , +3.3v as 2.7v.

So I thought of getting a new PSU .. is the diagnosis correct ?
I might buy a Cooler i3 /i5 processor, with a mobo that supports Dolby digital and DDR3 /USB3/Sata3 in about 6 months when the prices come down somewhat.

How does this look ?
eBay India: Gigabyte LC400W powersupply (item 180497202883 end time 20-Jul-2010 18:23:58 IST)
Those voltages sure look less. When I did an actual measurement with a multimeter, the actual voltage was even lesser than the one shown in BIOS, so u cannot trust the sensors blindly. Best option is to connect another good PSU and check the voltage.

But anyways since u have all this hardware + 8600GT, ur iball 400W will surely be overloaded. Worth investing in a good PSU. You can reuse it when u upgrade.
Any suggestions for a PSU for ~2K INR ? I'll also scout for a used one for abt 1.5K. How much power is sufficient for me ?
^ these are all crap stuff , try either from the FSP series

or seasonic series like the seasonic 350W or 380W
VIP, although not among the best or even very good PSU's out there, is certainly above the crap stuff. So you can go for that too if you are indeed going to upgrade 6 months - 1 year later. And since OP is looking for something in the range of 1.5K, he can opt for FSP SagaII 350W, or even Zebronics Pro 350W. Seasonic will be way above his budget, so will be the Gigabyte Superb.

EDIT: OP the one in the link you ve mentioned is also an excellent option, its better than the FSP Saga cause of the extra year of warranty.
connect said:
^ these are all crap stuff , try either from the FSP series

or seasonic series like the seasonic 350W or 380W
Useless Generalization. N times it is been told here that when you comment, mention personal experience and model number as well.

Not all PSU from CM are kaput. (their extreme power (no plus) was infamous for problems they casued), though it is just one of the several PSU made by them.
Get CX400 Corsair its totally worth it , retails around 2700 and is well worth the extra price the other brands are crap.
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