PC Peripherals Do I need a Voltage Stabilizer for my PC?

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Hi Guys,

I need your suggestions regarding my PC's Power Input. Recently, I've started noticing that sometimes when I switch on the UPS, my MCB trips. When I took off the UPS and connected the PC directly to the Belkin Surge Protector and turned the switch on, even then the MCB trips. This happens only sometimes.

My setup consists of 2 Belkin Essential Series 4-Socket Surge Protector, of which 1 is connected to Mains and supplies power to a 22" LCD Monitor, 2.1 Speakers and a 600VA Powercom UPS. The 2nd Surge protector is connected to the UPS and supplies power to my PC, ADSL Modem and an external USB drive. Monitor is not connected via UPS as that exceeds the load rating of UPS.

Do I need a Voltage Stabilizer for my PC? If yes, then which one is a good model to purchase? Should I connect Surge Protector before the Stabilizer or after?

Surge protector would have protected your PC. But it seems you want to protect your MCB from your PC. Surge protector is not for that. If you care for your PC, don't disconnect it from UPS, tripping MCBs can send arbitrary wave.

You might have to upgrade your MCB, though get an electrician to check the wirings.
MCB rating and PC config?

Also, what else is on that MCB?

Its a 5 Amp MCB I think and my PC config is in my sig line below. It is in use when Apartment's Generator is providing power. It trips even if I have nothing else turned on besides a fan and a tube light. If I turn the MCB back on, everything works fine.

Surge protector would have protected your PC. But it seems you want to protect your MCB from your PC. Surge protector is not for that. If you care for your PC, don't disconnect it from UPS, tripping MCBs can send arbitrary wave.

You might have to upgrade your MCB, though get an electrician to check the wirings.

I am just worried that my setup causes some kind of voltage and/or current spike when its turned on. Can this be sign of a failing SMPS in my PC?

On a side note, how would we know when the surge protector has done its job? There is no indicator or trip on the Belkin Surge protector ><

Thanks for the replies :)
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