Do Violent Video Games Create Violent People?

I found this very argueing article while going through IGN today.
Australia's Minister for Home Affairs and Justice Brendan O'Connor yesterday released a review of a research analysis into whether people who play violent games are at greater risk of being aggressive, as posted on the Attorney General's section of the Australian Government website.

This analysis of the available literature shows that:

* There is stronger evidence of short-term violent video games effects than of long-term effects.

* The possibility that third variables (like aggressive personality, family and peer influence, socio-economic status) are behind the effect has not been well explored.

* Researchers who argue that violent video games cause aggression have not engaged with or disproved alternative theories propagated by their critics.

* There is little evidence that violent video games have a greater impact than other violent media.
The discussion of whether an R18+ classification for video games will be introduced will occur on Friday 10 December at the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General meeting in Canberra.

Visit the Australian Government website to read the full Literature Review and keep an eye on IGN for further developments.
source:- Do Violent Video Games Create Violent People? - Xbox360 News at IGN
Well it depends on the Individual, but not me, result may defer from many ... But to some extent , GORE,VIOLENCE game are stress busters ! ( IMO )
I don't like giving racist comments but i think Australians takes these issues too seriously. They banned many games from releasing there. I'm not sure it helped because they can get the game for free if they wish anyway.
hector19 said:
Well it depends on the Individual, but not me, result may defer from many ... But to some extent , GORE,VIOLENCE game are stress busters ! ( IMO )

+2, depends on individuals mind set, how they want to take it.
My aunt used to scold me saying "why you play these war games/violent games, one day even you will become like these" :p
I used to reply to my aunt saying "this is my virtual life, this wont come for real :p "
Difficult to answer. IMO the type of games one likes/plays relates to their phyche but that same psyche may not be displayed while one is social as we tend to be very formal when in society normally. (PS: No offence to anyone, just my thought process)
atiamd said:
Answer to the question - NO.

Although, the question should be "Do non violent Indians create violent Australians?"
Haha +1. They certainly create social outcasts though.

Check this out, one of the top CS videos...

It depends. Just like when we work out we wanna get some water, when we watch porn we wanna jerk off . violence extending to real life does not last long , lasts as long as how much of an impact the game had on you.
True psyph3r,

just type "angry German kid" on youtube. You will get an ideal example of frustration and anger, there are other examples too. but that kid is by far the extreme example I have seen till now. but for sure, that does not prove all violent behavior is coz of violent games.
psyph3r said:
Like the popular saying - Games dont make people violent, lag does :D

True that !

I mean really it depends more on the state of one's mind. A ten year old /girl would be much more affected by the gore in a game then maybe some regular gamer .

I actually feel that it is quiet often a revenue to vent out your anger in the virtual world rather than in the real one.

Its kind of like this interesting corollary to prostitution. As there is a school of thought which believes that prostitution is actually keeping the "Rape Rate" under control :p
The nature of violence in games is far less than what we're exposed to in real life .. via movies n TV.
So the matter of desensitizing us towards violent depictions doesn't hold much ground.

I completely agree with the result of the research and a bit surprised that this came out of Australia of all places.

Most legal campaigns against 'Virtual Violence' have been only to garner publicity with the parental crowd .. hardly any have been successfull in achieveing what they set out to do.

There should more parental regulation and involvement when it comes to choice of gaming.
I would think NO. Actually I feel its only violent people who play such games in the 1st place. By violent I don't mean anyone would be indulging in killing sprees on a regular basis; rather those have a violent streak in their nature. This would apply to everybody of course, but in varying degrees. Games would be a harmless way of venting out the inbuilt anger/frustation.

I enjoyed the usual action games and movies like CoD, Half Life etc - but I stay away from gore, whether its in games or movies. I detest gore utterly. I feel that just my basic nature. Others may enjoy it, it depends where one draws the line.

If you put on Jim Carrey's Mask, what would you become? :p

Thinking about this makes me wonder who coined the term 'Humane'
characterized by tenderness, compassion, and sympathy for people and animals, esp. for the suffering or distressed: humane treatment of horses.

:rofl: What a load of BS
