CPU/Mobo Do we need 64 Bit Procs yet?

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As far as i can see most applications we use still are 32 bit ones .. .so do is a 64 bit proc really neccessary ?

What about games ? Are most games 32 bit applications or r there any that are 64 bit ?

And is there a 64 bit windows yet ? when is it gonna come out ?

In the future, the battle between 64 bit vs 32 bit processors will inevitably yield the 64 bit processor as the victor, but this transition is going to take some time.

First, I’ll talk about the pure mathematics and structure of the processors that are involved here. I’ll keep this part short and sweet.
A bit is short for “binary digit.†It is basically how a computer stores and makes references to data, memory, etc. A bit can have a value of 1 or 0, that’s it. So binary code is streams of 1’s and 0’s, such as this random sequence 100100100111. These bits are also how your processor does calculations. By using 32 bits your processor can represent numbers from 0 to 4,294,967,295 while a 64-bit machine can represent numbers from 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615. Obviously this means your computer can do math with larger numbers, and be more efficient with smaller numbers.

Now see, that description wasn’t too bad, but the question is how does this affect you, the average PC owner? The largest benefit will go to academic institutions and private companies, where large calculations are being performed, huge databases are being accessed, and complex problems are being solved.

Everyone that doesn’t fall into that category will see some benefit of using 64 bit processors over 32 bit processors, but not much in today’s marketplace. The AMD Athlon 64-bit processor is completely backward compatible, meaning you can currently use it with 32-bit operating systems and software programs. You will see some benefits by using this setup, but because the programs weren’t written to take advantage of the extra power, they won’t use much of it.

The true benefits of this set up don’t come from the amount of bits, but by the improved structure of the 64 bit vs 32 bit processor's older structure. A 64-bit processor is made with more advanced silicon processes, have more transistors, and faster speeds. This is currently where the true benefit of switching to a 64-bit processor lays.

As for 64-bit operating systems and software, many are in the works, but nothing is in final version. Microsoft has released a beta version of Windows XP that takes advantage of the 64 bit technology, but there are still issues. The problem is when you run 32-bit software programs in the environment of a 64-bit operating system. Many programs won’t work properly, such as Adobe Acrobat and Windows Media Player, for example. Another issue is RAM. You really need about 4 GB of RAM to take full advantage of the capabilities offered by a 64-bit processor, while most PC owners have less than 1 GB under their computer’s hood.

So, the question now is should you buy a 64 bit processor now, or wait?


You’re currently not able to take full advantage of the technology because the software vendors haven’t made the switch from 32-bit to 64-bit processors.
Most AMD Athlon 64 bit processors are expensive, with prices sure to go down in the future.


Better performance out of a 32-bit operating system.


More useful reading:
Frequently asked questions about Windows XP Professional x64 Edition

Windows XP Professional x64 Edition is a 64 Bit operating system from Microsoft.

Most of the games are 32 Bit, but 64 Bit games are being developed, for e.g. Far Cry

So 64 Bit is the future and the world is slowly switching to 64 Bit.
I dont think that the Disadvantages are valid.

As now, most of the softwares we use are 64Bit Patched.

Also, 64 Bit proccessors are not expensive.

Plus AMD and Intel have completely stopped manufacturing Desktop 32 Bit Proccessors. So the prices are the same as the older 32Bit Chips :).
The main thing here is there is no "purely 64bit processor" for the desktop i.e. all 64bit processors available from AMD and intel can run 32bit code and do that faster than the equivalent 'pure' 32 bit processor.

For example,32bit Atholn 2800+ is slower than 64 2800+.

So even though there r relatively tiny amount of 64bit apps out there ull get a boost of speed in 32bit apps AND they r future ready as in near future 64 bit becomes the common standard and 32 bit will die out.
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