"Do you have XYZ Credit Card?" Thread

Need to order about Rs 2k stuff from Amazon...anyone here has Bandhan Dilo ke Bandhan Bank Debit Card.
Lol. What about Jan Jana or jana gana mana bank... I mean what all crap unprofessional names banks come up these days..
Jana either sounds like some roadside tapori majnu romantic bank or a desh bhakta patriotic bank.. RBI should have some control on this.
Lol. What about Jan Jana or jana gana mana bank... I mean what all crap unprofessional names banks come up these days..
Jana either sounds like some roadside tapori majnu romantic bank or a desh bhakta patriotic bank.. RBI should have some control on this.

The name is unprofessional. The work is also unprofessional. The keep spamming you if you just enquire for anything even once- loan, Insurance etc. Getting messages even in early morning 5 am.
Ask them to close an account and they will make you run from one branch to other.
Almost every bank has given me some bad experiences. some minor some major.

btw No one here has any Bandhan Bank Debit card?
Screenshot (377).png

Does anyone have a Citibank DC/CC? need help for a purchase.
Anyone has an ICICI rupay card? Buying a laptop but discount is only with Icici rupay Icici platinum doesn't have it