Do you suffer from depression ?

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Ok..frankly, does anyone here suffer from chronic depression ? What is the best way to NOT ruin your day when depression strikes you ?

I personally have a tendency for regular depression, and feel like nothing's worthwhile while i am suffering from it. I guess i just maybe a born cynic, but i dont tend to take things positively most of the times.

Is anybody in here like me ?
I think I suffer from chronic optimism. What to do, I'm like this only.

Read Richard Bach's " Jonathan Livingston Seagull". Maybe'll you'll like it.

And never forget Roberto Benigni.

Life is Beautiful!
Not me, I'm never sad :( Sometimes I'm so happy, it hurts :(

Realistically speaking, when I'm feeling down, I force myself out of the house and do something like meet up with friends and get some beers, go for a long cycle ride, or something similar. The idea is to tireless yourself out so that you come back and fall asleep, without mulling over things and feeling worse in the bargain.
Well, I am also an eternal optimist :P

When I do feel down, I talk to my friends, or just lock myself in my room. After a good night's sleep, I feel much much better.
I am confused rather than depressed from life,I am never content with what I too greedy which is more or less why I am depressed and never satisfied with what I have.I always want more and new things and I get distracted very soon.....I get depressed too but am never overly optimistic with watching this beautiful chick at office (knowing that she's out of my reach) only makes me hate myself more....:(.

here is what i have seen,

when i strated worrying about the future and have expectations, i started feeling sad as my dreams failed
and when i started cursing about the past and have no expectations, then even the smallest thing going in my favour made me happy
Well amol, everyone sometimes goes through that phase. No exception.

If there is person who died without being depressed in his life ever then he hasent lived full life. Life is has everythign to offer, sadness and depression are part of it.

My suggestion, go out on walk alone. Dont think about anything. Just go out alone. Helps a lot.

Or pop in some happy movies or songs or serials like Friends or some classic 60s rock music in your DVD player/pc an relax.

We get depressed for stupid reason or for no reason sometimes. Eventually you will get out of it. and the most important thing to remember is that there is nothing wrong or stupid about getting depressed. Its very common. Some people admit it some dont. Some waste their time as they dont talk about it and keep things to themselves.

The reason for depression is most of the times imotional insecurity.

Talk to your family. they are the biggest support, more than any friend no matter how close that friend is to you.

I have gone through this. I can assure you its hard but once you get out of it, life is beautiful.
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