document checking sofware ? / NAS cleanup

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dont' know what exactly its called , but will try to explain....

consider the following hierarchy...

Main ( parent folder)
- 1 (child folder)
- 2 (child folder)
- 3 (child folder)

there is a file called 1.txt in the child folder child folder 1
there is the same file in the child folder 2 as well...BUT the child folder 2 should not have it.

There may be x,y,z and many other n locations where the txt file would be there...but it shouldnt be there.....

Its not possible to go around searching for individual files.....

looking for some software that would go ahead and search for all multiple , replicated files , scattered on a folder hierarchy.........basically need to clean up NAS at work for replicated ppt's and pdf's.......please advise which software to use for the same.....
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