Monitors Does a barely used Dell P2219H at 7.5K make sense to buy now?

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Molar Police
Staff member
I am getting a Dell P2219H monitor, barely used, at a price of 7.5K from a local vendor. Does it make sense to buy this, or should I rather buy a new 22" monitor like the LG 22Mp68Vq? My use case is MS Office work, browsing and occasionally watching videos on YT. I don't game. The monitor will be connected to a surface pro.
Please give me your suggestions since I have no idea about hardware.
One thing to note is that if the stand on this Dell is the same as the one on the 24 inch, it's probably more adjustable than the one on the LG (or basically anything else in the segment) - height adjust, tilt adjust, and 90° rotation. Something to consider if that matters to you.
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