Does anyone ever made good deal in TE Market ??

Ebay is headache, you have to provide 6 month warranty, and stupid buyers raise case after 3-4 month saying phone is slow, not able to send bluetooth files, and open case, ebay restrict account, and case gets closed in their favour. Its much better to deal with techie persons, rather than a dumb guy who don't know anything about ios.

Already got my two ebay closed with 60 feeds and 35 feeds, and all those feeds are only buyers feed (feeds for items which i sold).
Reverse happened with me. Had an account with 30+ items purchased. Ordered an item for iphone from a seller and he did not ship the item as promised. I filled the -ve feedback and baam,my account was disabled. Tried all i could and even escalated the matter but to no avail.
Your thread appears to be asking for a feedback, I hope its for constructive purpose.

Most deals I have done here are smooth. At times I had to wait for few days/weeks or even a month and get ridiculous quotes too but generally experience is smooth. I remember very well that on TE I had my very first deal with @BIKeINSTEIN.

Coming to iPhone FS thread, well it is huge money involved for a phone. When one buys such product & warranty is available at approx 14% of sum they are paying, there is a psychological barrier. Also as mentioned earlier by few members, people do window shop.
Yes,investing that chunk of money for a device that does have warranty but offshores. One does need a lot of courage to make such kind of plunge.
If you want to sell your product just do not rely on a single forum. Try everywhere. Post on competing forums if you are a member there. I would strongly suggest posting ad on and, you will definitely get good replies there.
Don't bother with Craiglist as you will hardly get any replies there. Not popular in India.
OP, it is harder to sell Iphones to techies as we they know our phones very well. As mentioned by others you are trying to sell an unconventional color Iphone with 0 feedback in the best tech site in India.... you are swimming way too much against the tide here buddy. Try ebay/olx/quickr as mentioned by other members.
OP, it is harder to sell Iphones to techies as we they know our phones very well. As mentioned by others you are trying to sell an unconventional color Iphone with 0 feedback in the best tech site in India.... you are swimming way too much against the tide here buddy. Try ebay/olx/quickr as mentioned by other members.

already finalized deal for both phones , in TE itself :D
You sure i was the first? :S
Now i dug through older threads and i don't even recollect why or for whom i had bought that cooler. :(

Earlier, money just helped to facilitate "trading stuff" between friend/members. Nowadays forum markets are more about trying to make more than what it should/could fetch.
Some members become good/best friend for life via forum discussions/messenger. And some via trades. So i rather sell something for a bit less than lose the opportunity of finding a good person. Likewise for local buyers as sometimes shipping or the person at other end can spring surprises. :p

And never never try to palm off something even if slightly suspect in form or functionality.
I prefer to buy a used product from TE gurus like @Shripad than get a new one as i know they will never put it up for sale if even the slightest issue. So for me that's like expert consultation for free. :)

Yeah yeah... i am old and senile now. :p
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You sure i was the first? :S
Now i dug through older threads and i don't even recollect why or for whom i had bought that cooler. :(

Earlier, money just helped to facilitate "trading stuff" between friend/members. Nowadays forum markets are more about trying to make more than what it should/could fetch.
Some members become good/best friend for life via forum discussions/messenger. And some via trades. So i rather sell something for a bit less than lose the opportunity of finding a good person. Likewise for local buyers as sometimes shipping or the person at other end can spring surprises. :p

And never never try to palm off something even if slightly suspect in form or functionality.
I prefer to buy a used product from TE gurus like @Shripad than get a new one as i know they will never put it up for sale if even the slightest issue. So for me that's like expert consultation for free. :)

Yeah yeah... i am old and senile now. :p
Well said! I am an old senile like you now.
You sure i was the first? :S
Now i dug through older threads and i don't even recollect why or for whom i had bought that cooler. :(

Earlier, money just helped to facilitate "trading stuff" between friend/members. Nowadays forum markets are more about trying to make more than what it should/could fetch.
Some members become good/best friend for life via forum discussions/messenger. And some via trades. So i rather sell something for a bit less than lose the opportunity of finding a good person. Likewise for local buyers as sometimes shipping or the person at other end can spring surprises. :p

And never never try to palm off something even if slightly suspect in form or functionality.
I prefer to buy a used product from TE gurus like @Shripad than get a new one as i know they will never put it up for sale if even the slightest issue. So for me that's like expert consultation for free. :)

Yeah yeah... i am old and senile now. :p

Where is Shripad BTW. I remember my first deal was with him. Bought Corsair Dominator 1066 kit from him. In those days there was no concept of bargaining as the items were also reasonably priced.
As bargaining started, so did quoting a higher price to counter that and the vicious circle continues.
I have never had problems / issues dealing on TE. I have sold high priced items like x1900xt Graphics card back in the day and an item just 2-3 days back smoothly.
I interact with only users I know are serious in inquiring / purchasing an item. I dont respond to low ballers / people just doing time pass on deal threads or through PM. I never keep an item on hold unless it hasnt sold in a long time. I am detailed & honest in my sale threads. I expect the buyer to be same.
When they are not, and I know when they are not, then they are avoided.
As far as pricing is concerned, you can quote whatever you want
obviously less that market price. If a serious member suggests price revisions, you should consider and reduce. Dont be a hard nut and be flexible and open to change.