Does anyone face any bug problem at xp/vista X64 BIT OS WITH 4 gb ram

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i have some bug issue at 64 bit os

after i update new ati drvier 9.3 as my follow rig show signature :ohyeah:
when i play dota (warcarft3) online games it crash evey 30 min due to memory read fail error fail to load appaction even i change the ram and reset at my board no help :| then i roll back to 9.2 it ran only 1 hour after crash :S

but 32bit is stable os i have test xp 2 day ago and switch to single os 64 bit
i want to know if anyone has face 64 bit bug issue software problem cause of freeze and old software not working and loading propely

then i can switch to 32bit vista :) such single os i know 64 bit give better fps that 32bit :huh: not sure
^ opps my bad mistake :P

i have oc the ram to 910 mhz ocz and trascend 2x2 = 4gb mix lately and different pci interleave dual channel it crash due to warcarft 3 does not load stable :rofl: cause of memory problem but crysis ran fine at high i got extra sweet fps 40-45

at Intel c2d oc 3.9 ghz and ram 910 mhz also gpu oc 680 core

anyway i set back to 850 mhz oc it ran stable but some memory mix ram issue
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