Does anyone know mr_funfuse??

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I dunno if i shld be posting this at all...but i just want share this with all TE members(if the mods see this as inappropriate please delete this thread)

well as the title say does anyone know mr_funfuse?
coz i bought a stick of Transcend drr400 512mb 2 weeks back from him...the stick konked out in a couple of days...and the bill he gave me doesnt match with the ram i am not gettin the warranty replacement :@ :@
Also mr_funfuse hasnt been replyin to my pm's since 2 weeks!! maybe he is out of town or watever...but i am kinda gettin worried!!

Does anyone have any idea wat i shld do??
Last Activity: 11 Dec 06 06:55 PM

Obviously he hasnt been replying to your PMs.

Go to his profile and send him an email.
Hey! sry to hear about that. Looking at his profile, seems like he has not logged in to TE since Dec 11th!!! Perhaps u cud try mailing him? when u bot the RAM, how did u communicate with him? over telephone? thru mails?

May be u cud mail him and check.
[email][/email]'s n phone...but he didnt have a mobile no...
guess i'll mail him n check...

edit : mailed him too...lets hope he replies to that..
well i got the replacement RAM stick today!!! :D :D :D
well my good relations with PRIME worked for me :) now i dont have to worry anymore even if the ram goes kaput...coz i am assured of the warranty..
Congrats !! But do follow it up with fun_fuse.

We need to know whether it was a genuine mistake (happens...mixing up bits of paper) or it was anything else.

As of now, I am waiting for him to reply to your mail or something.
hmm.... as of now, let us not jump to any conclusions. He could be ill, very busy or on holiday in some remote place with no internet (my dad dreams of a vacation like that :P, for me it is torture :lol: )
maybe he's just ignoring ur mails...cos he may have known that the piece wasnt okay and thats why he wanted to get rid of it
Hmm.. If you really wanna track him you can take the help of the staff or so and get the ip/time used and get address thru isp u know.. but thats if you REALLY wanna know.. otherwise not worth it i guess
i think it's too to say..but practically thinking i feel u have to now...
well...since i have already got the ram replaced (thanks to PRIME for that) i am not too keen tracking down mr_funfuse...

but the fact remains that he still hasnt answered my pm's or mails....which isnt a good thing at all...

Goin by this i guess TE shld have certain min requirements with regards to traders( if they rnt already there)
1) a trader must be an regularly active member
2) must have a min no. of posts or something like that before being allowed sell..
Well i just want to forget this is as a big n bad mistake!
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