Does anyone own a VCR in Pune?

Why dont u convert it to DVD or any other digital format.... Then u can watch it on ur dvd player itself/laprotp...

Digital is way better than having a Casette.... Than ur choice...
In case you are unable to find VCR with any of your friends or here at TE, go to any photo studio, he'll convert the video tape to Cd for around Rs.150/-.
lida said:
Why dont u convert it to DVD or any other digital format.... Then u can watch it on ur dvd player itself/laprotp...

Digital is way better than having a Casette.... Than ur choice...

I first wanted to see the contents and its quality. If it was good enough then only would have gone for digitization.
Acc to me shelling out 150 and converting to digital is way less of trouble than lookin for a VCR and then taking care of the same....

Or U can go to studio that converts this and ask him to show u if the tape is working or corrupt... and check the quality there and If good convert it or sorry quality acha nahi hai and come out of the store...