Does formatting a 10GB Partition take hell lot of time ??

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As i start this thread, i have started the installation of Windows 98 on another machine. The machine specs are (its a very old one)

266 Mhz Celeron Proccy
2GB HDD with 2 partitions

I had a bootable Win98 CD which i popped in and started the installation. It told me that it will format C: The process started but it has been about 2 Hrs and it has only managed to format 12% :@

Does it take so much time to format a drive ???
What may be the issue
whenever in DOS format gets stuck, its sureshot sign of bad sectors :P
Ok it seems there may be bad sectors on the HDD. I know this is hardware problem and the HDD is dying but once the format is complete, would i be able to install the OS and make the machine work. I mean i just need to use the machine in mostly DOS mode (dad uses a DOS based accounting s/w)
it is bad sectors.period

try format /q c:

/q=quick format, might help finish format
You hdd is showing its age&maybe it might not boot one day...use it till it lasts...or get a used hdd frm market..
^^ but i have not initiated the format thru DOS but the setup itself started the format and supposedly it is doing a full format and not quick. BTW now it has reached 60% seems things have sped up.
Let the format take it's time. A quick format will not mark the bad sectors and you'll face problems during usage.

On the other hand however, you can use scandisk or chkdsk and mark the bad sectors later on.
You could try HDD Regenerator it takes a long time but what it does is it remagrentizes or does something similar and your bad sector gets usable again.

And apparently your hdd is new again ? :S
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