Does quality of cables make a difference in digital transmissions?

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Guys looking for a good quality HDMI Cable to connect my Reliance HD STB to TV. Any one has one to offer?
You can get Belkin 6ft HDMI cable for arounf 600 on ebay. Apply some coupons, and it could be cheaper. They are gold plated, and I found them to be VFM.
buy the Chinese HDMI cable that's available from ur nearest electronic shop - nice braided and very thick . I'm using the same with XBox 360 and PS3 - Same quality as the branded ones. Don't Invest in high quality. Avl for 150 to 200.

No offense to anyone here but whoever thinks any cables will do has no idea of what they talking bout !! I for one will say if you invest please stay far far away from these cheap Chinese stuff !!

Having tested dozens of these so called high grade and thick (as thick as they come ) I can stick my neck out and say that they all bunch of B****T and give absolutely no VFM even if they cost Rs.50/- !!

Hence my advice to you,Please take your time and evaluate the options and then take call rather then just pick random Crap thats available from any corner electrical shop (any such places) !

Offcourse this is if you are looking for quality and nothing else,if you are just looking for some connectivity then all the cables mentioned will do the job just fine !

If you are looking to extract the last bit of juice from your equipment then investing in cables makes a big difference !! Believe me when I say this as I have done a lot of R&D on the subject (check my sig for sample work of mine)

SoundsGreat said:

No offense to anyone here but whoever thinks any cables will do has no idea of what they talking bout !! I for one will say if you invest please stay far far away from these cheap Chinese stuff !!

Having tested dozens of these so called high grade and thick (as thick as they come ) I can stick my neck out and say that they all bunch of B****T and give absolutely no VFM even if they cost Rs.50/- !!

Hence my advice to you,Please take your time and evaluate the options and then take call rather then just pick random Crap thats available from any corner electrical shop (any such places) !

Offcourse this is if you are looking for quality and nothing else,if you are just looking for some connectivity then all the cables mentioned will do the job just fine !

If you are looking to extract the last bit of juice from your equipment then investing in cables makes a big difference !! Believe me when I say this as I have done a lot of R&D on the subject (check my sig for sample work of mine)

You are wrong
Since HDMI transmits digital signals there is no difference whether we use cheap or 2k hdmi cable.There wont be any diff. in quality, Signal will either come or wont .
the price of the cable should be relative to the length of the cable. nothing else.

Without derailing this thread and without making this ugly I'll say a few words here !

Inside the HDMI cable scam - Technology & science - Tech and gadgets -

Please do post relevant answers or something related to the topic,we are talking bout quality of the cable not the refresh rates ! The link you've posted only talks bout refresh rates, which none of Us are discussing here !

You are wrong

Great, you say this coz you've ????

Since HDMI transmits digital signals there is no difference whether we use cheap or 2k hdmi cable.There wont be any diff. in quality, Signal will either come or wont .

Yes no doubt,but have you ever considered that the cable is made of copper (or so called copper all these Chinese manufacturers use ) and the quality of it differs greatly ? Also you should know that there error correction mechanisms in place which does a bit of error correction if the signal at the receiving end is not exact same as the source ! so although the defective cable is connected until and unless it does not send over 80% bad data it still continues to send signals and the picture is reproduced !

There 1000 different things in the picture like shielding of the cable,the Di-Electric of the cable used etc etc etc,each of which will play a role in the overall making of the cable !

Also its worth to note the price of the pure copper and all the associated things,if the raw materials itself cost more then 500 how the heck the cable itself be sold for 200 ??? just an example.

Am not suggesting that one should by XXXX $ cables from YY brand else its all waste, Am trying to tell the OP that whatever he does he must choose the right cable, If one ignores that then....................

Like I have already mentioned earlier,I have done enough R&D on the subject to know the importance of the same, Anyone From Bangalore wishes to experience this first hand is most welcome to drop into my place.

Stopping at this,Will not reply further to avoid any unwanted tension and derailing of this thread.

^^i am also from bangalore and will like to check out the difference,in which area do you live?
With digital signals like DVI,HDMI , it is very simple. You get the full image, or nothing.

It may be different to some extent in analouge, but for digital signals, either it works or it doesnt work. Nothing in between

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SoundsGreat said:

No offense to anyone here but whoever thinks any cables will do has no idea of what they talking bout !! I for one will say if you invest please stay far far away from these cheap Chinese stuff !!

Having tested dozens of these so called high grade and thick (as thick as they come ) I can stick my neck out and say that they all bunch of B****T and give absolutely no VFM even if they cost Rs.50/- !!

Hence my advice to you,Please take your time and evaluate the options and then take call rather then just pick random Crap thats available from any corner electrical shop (any such places) !

Offcourse this is if you are looking for quality and nothing else,if you are just looking for some connectivity then all the cables mentioned will do the job just fine !

If you are looking to extract the last bit of juice from your equipment then investing in cables makes a big difference !! Believe me when I say this as I have done a lot of R&D on the subject (check my sig for sample work of mine)

I'm more inclined to trust this R&D :

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

If you really need more links:

Beware the HDMI Cable scam. | Techno babble from an IT guy named Harry

Shopping for HDMI cables: who do retailers think they're kidding? Our price list inside.

The Monster Cable Scam/Myth

The Great Cable Rip-Off, For Visual Learners | Gizmodo Australia --DO NOT MISS THIS ONE

Report reminds us: don't get burned by overpriced cables -- Engadget HD -- DO NOT MISS THIS ONE EITHER

More than enough for your needs. 99.9999% you will never find the difference. Its a digital signal. its either 0 or 1. its no 0.99 or 0.89. if the signal reached there its 1 nothing else. :S.
^ Exactly the point. And it pains me a lot when I see techie people talking about 'good' HDMI being 'expensive'. Can't convince them enough that it doesn't matter for a HDMI to HDMI.

^^i am also from bangalore and will like to check out the difference,in which area do you live?

I live in Sanjaynagar, You are more then welcome to drop in anytime but with only one condition,don't come with prejudice or for proving me wrong ! Come with an open mind and if you see the difference make it a point to share it with everyone so that they can understand ! PM me if you are serious bout coming.

SoundsGreat said:

Without derailing this thread and without making this ugly I'll say a few words here !

Please do post relevant answers or something related to the topic,we are talking bout quality of the cable not the refresh rates ! The link you've posted only talks bout refresh rates, which none of Us are discussing here !

Great, you say this coz you've ????

Yes no doubt,but have you ever considered that the cable is made of copper (or so called copper all these Chinese manufacturers use ) and the quality of it differs greatly ? Also you should know that there error correction mechanisms in place which does a bit of error correction if the signal at the receiving end is not exact same as the source ! so although the defective cable is connected until and unless it does not send over 80% bad data it still continues to send signals and the picture is reproduced !

There 1000 different things in the picture like shielding of the cable,the Di-Electric of the cable used etc etc etc,each of which will play a role in the overall making of the cable !

Also its worth to note the price of the pure copper and all the associated things,if the raw materials itself cost more then 500 how the heck the cable itself be sold for 200 ??? just an example.

Am not suggesting that one should by XXXX $ cables from YY brand else its all waste, Am trying to tell the OP that whatever he does he must choose the right cable, If one ignores that then....................

Like I have already mentioned earlier,I have done enough R&D on the subject to know the importance of the same, Anyone From Bangalore wishes to experience this first hand is most welcome to drop into my place.

Stopping at this,Will not reply further to avoid any unwanted tension and derailing of this thread.

HDMI uses a packet structure. In order to attain the higher reliability required of audio and control data, this data is

protected with a BCH error correction code and is encoded using a special error reduction coding to produce the 10-bit word that is transmitted

source: High-Definition Multimedia Interface Specification Page 9

The hdmi uses packet data transfers and anyone familiar with packet data transfer would tell you that the protocols have inherent error detection/correction mechanisms using stuff like crc. you better do some more research to back up your claims.

I would go for the cheapest when the cable in question is hdmi/optical cable. speaker cables are different, they transmit analog signals and prone to noise interference.
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