does this really work ??

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Analog Vibes
ohk...i am almost 75 % sure that all this earn money things like AMWAY and other member building things dnt work out..but still a friend of mine has fallen for this Learn And Earn {} site's ..crap ...$hit ...he is so convinced that he will earn in lakhs within a year or 8-10 months..after investing 7000 bucks for some 22 PC softwares learn your self tutorial.....:rofl:

he attended some seminar where he met young ppl ..who took this shortcut to money lolz he he he

i just dont know how it works...he is even ready to show the cheaques that his frnd gets every month...i ve seen this thing gripping many collg students in mubai but i dont believe. .in it and want my frnd..not to get into all this..but he wont understand...

is there any way i can prove it is wrong..and doesnt lead to being rich .. !!

cause when i say this he is ready to prove that the company is not frawd and has main office on new delhi and even in other foreign countries...

all transactions take thru some icici bank accnt..and shit...and the company is there from 5 yrs....

ufff i just want to convince him that its all crap..any1 who has fallen 4 this b4 ???.....

or maybe i am wrong..and this thing makes...u rich instantly..lolz :rofl::rofl:
yeah .. some of my friends are also doing this ebiz thing .. infact they do recieve their check every month ,atleast thats what they say :P
Bluffmaster said:
eBIZel - Pvt.Ltd.

Check dis out .... n show dis to ur frnd ... he might change his mind :)

orkut - Login :)

thanx for this...hope it helps in cleaning his mind...yaar..i really dont want him to go for this..cauz i ve seen some other friends fall for this and ruined their education and lives....:(..

but that a$$**** seminar ppl fill up the minds of the youth with such crap that they go mad after the seminar...and stop thinkin logically..
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