PC Peripherals Does Transcend RAM have lifetime warranty?

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My RAM got damaged, its 2yrs old ... the sticker says it has lifetime warranty....
I have the bill with me...
do they give lifetime warranty? if yes, how do i claim it?
Lifetime in this case means the lifetime of the product cycle. If it is ddr1 your chances of getting it are next to none since the current life cycle in ram's life is for ddr3. Though you should try to get the RMA Done regardless.
just visit the nearest accel frontline center . BTW have you checked the warranty status yet?
oops... i've been trying every transcend website to check with s/n.... but all are down....!!!

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@ca50, the link is not working, so does any transcend sites.... :(
^^ what is the serial number??

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Edit: the link is working for me
^mate for some reason, the serial no is rejected, just take a snap of the ram module, and post it here, preferable the sticker section
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