Don't Expect Crysis Anytime Soon...

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"Crysis is yet to even hit alpha, so don't get your hopes up for a beta any time soon. Crysis is expected to hit alpha status around early march meaning beta status will probably be reached 2+ months after that ( may/june ). It's just a matter of wait and see."

Source: Crysis-Online :: Crysis Fansite
In an interview to be published in full later this week, Crytek president and CEO Cevat Yerli revealed that the developer will soon "announce our beta program plans" for multiplayer "to experience [it for] yourself". We're assuming that "yourself" is aimed at the general gaming public and not solely CVG.

Yerli added that Crysis multiplayer "is progressing great", revealing Crytek has "some surprises here and there for our beloved fans."

As soon as Crytek releases full details on the multiplayer beta, we'll let you know. In the meantime, wing your way over to our Crysis game page to read up on the multiplayer component.

Source: PC News: Exclusive: Crysis multiplayer beta details -
Can't wait to get my hands on Crysis!
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