PC Peripherals Doomed....!!!

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Well, sometimes unexpected things happen and you have to live with it.

As most of you know, my 120GB Seagate Barracuda SATA HDD went bad, with tons of data as improtant as my life ;)...

So I decided to get another 80GB Seagate SATA as backup. While installing windows, it refused to create a primary partition giving a Partition table error. Strangely the HDD worked perfectly fine on a 915G mobo.

Current status :
1). RMA - ASUS A8V Deluxe Rev. 2.0 for replacement due to RAID problems.
2.) RMA - Seagate Barracuda 80GB SATA for Bad Sectors
3.) Me - :cry:
Well, this reminds me of what happened to my friend. He bought a Seagate 120 GB HDD which went bad. He went back to the dealer, threw it in his face and demanded an immediate replacement and guess what he got ???

A 200GB Seagate HDD coz' the 120 was not in stock - For no extra charge.

Would be wonderful if something similar happens.
^^There is something wrong with seagate 120GB disks. I had both of mine RMA'ed and got 160gigs in return!
Mine's got bad sectors :(

When i called the service center, the guy there said it would take 1 week to get a replacement. As i can't do without a HDD for a week, i asked him

1) if they would give me a standby HDD


2) if he could get hold of the replacement HDD first, n then exchange it with mine.

Answer to both was NO.

Now, im in a conundrum. Every few weeks, some OS file gets corrupted due to bad sectors, n i have to reinstall. :(

Must say that i'm very disappointed with seagate's HDD and service.

Will definitely not recommend it to any1.
Well, I've already bought a 80GB standby SATA for backups, I'm waiting for my mobo now and then I'll get my 120GB disk RMA'ed.

I hope they exchange it for 200GB, I don't mind paying the difference...
well seagate and co have been known for some shitty drives....nice to see it keep up the good work.....it all rolls downhill as they say!!
Anish said:
Well, I've already bought a 80GB standby SATA for backups, I'm waiting for my mobo now and then I'll get my 120GB disk RMA'ed.

I hope they exchange it for 200GB, I don't mind paying the difference...
Hmm, then your lucky Aces ! And yeah "touch wood" ;)

Well, my story worsens now. My A8V Deluxe is expected back from RMA this week and I went to collect my 80GB replacement and when testing it at the service centre even that conked-off :O !!!

I guess there's some black-magic or evil curse around me.....
Anish said:
I guess there's some black-magic or evil curse around me.....

NO MAN.... over at Storage review forums they did some research on why some drives only from certain sources die and the drives of that same batch from other sources dont have any problems and the culprit was the courier service used for transporting the drives to the stores - in simple words drives die more from bad handling during transportation then when are running in computers. I suppose in GOA you will not have much choice in this regard unless you buy your drives from another city/state. Change the brand of drive and maybe you will have better chance of getting a working drive.
^^ Hmm, good explanation but even then, a lot of my freinds 120GB drives are working fine...

Just sheer bad luck I guess... Anyways, lets hope for the best..:D
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