Dota with GG Client

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Ok im sick of leavers :ohyeah:
if somebody is onto Dota at GG ...plz add up(ReekingArchvile) so that we can play with some known players atleast :)
yes, very annoying indeed. been playing with u guys, megadeth, tanya etc from the hamachi days, although i hardly play nowdays, its too annoying, i just finished a 10 min game, where the host quit after firstblood.
ok bumping a really old thread ..but the game is still alive and kicking ass..

so anyone who still plays please post their ids here or add me up..

I am online almost every weekday after 8pm and on weekends.

my garena id --> john117
i play every night. ashr-

i usually play in NON ladder rooms with my friends so i can quickly remake in case of too many leavers or when it's too easy for our side. on ladder rooms, people force themselves to play through boring one-sided games that are totally pointless for the sake of ladder points.

update to 1.23 if you want to play.
viridian said:
You got in to the beta? You lucky person you. I am dying to play that game!

i have been same beta since 6 year :P no issue and still play dota daily 3-4 hour need practice some skill and item playable

and here my id " arunhalo "lvl 24 :D
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