Android Downalod and Update Falcon Pro for Free Outside Google Play Store


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Follow the steps below to login via the API access method ad get start using Falcon Pro again:

Download Falcon Pro’s APK from, and install it on your device. (If you the older version installed, then consider removing it)

Now, open Falcon Pro and you’ll be taken to the login screen. Tap the three corners (it light up when you touch them). That is, tap on the top left, top right, bottom right of the app.

Then, shake your device, after which you’ll get a message saying “Custom Login unlocked!”. Press OK, tap on “Custom login,” keep this screen open.Falcon Pro for Free APK

Visit from your device or your computer’s browser and login with your Twitter accounts.
On the top right, select “My applications” from the drop-down menu and click on “Create a new application. If you already have a app create, then jump to step 7

Enter the name, website, and callback URL in the fields provided. You can enter any URL even if it doesn’t exist, but make sure the format is correct, like (the http:// part is necessary)

Enter the CAPTCHA and agree to the terms and conditions and click on “Create your Twitter application.”

Open the Settings tab of the app and select “Read, Write and Access direct messages” under the Application Type. Just below that, enable the “Allow this application to be used to Sign in with Twitter” option by ticking the check box. Then, hit the “Update this Twitter application’s settings” button.

Switch back to the Details tab, and copy the Consumer key and Consumer Secret (case sensitive) to the login screen in Falcon Pro and enter it in the respective fields. Tap the Save button and then tap on “login into Twitter” option.
Verify the app and grant access to your Twitter account. And you’re done. Enjoy the app.
