CPU/Mobo Downgrading from 720BE to 620??

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Live eviL
I am considering a downgrade to athlon 620. Is the perfomacne difference between them too much? I play on a 1280 X 1024 monitor so no major bottlenecks for me frm a cpu/GPU.

plz comment. My 720 is going to a relative so the change:)
hav u tried unlocking ur 720??? If it doesn't unlock...then it's just "OK" to give it 2 ur relative....and bst of luck...some athlon II's can be unlocked with full L3 6MB cache..
Would your relative realize the full potential of the 720? If they would not, then keep the 720 and get them the 620. If they do, then do the reverse. There will obviously be a performance hit due to the reduced cache and raw Ghz difference but over time when applications start using more no. of cores than brute force, it will prove to be a great proc.
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