Download a year's Bollywood films in 90 minutes


Source : Inquirer

A WEEK LONG experiment to run an international scientific computing grid under working conditions has resulted in sustained transfer rates of a gigabyte per second.

That's what the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid collaboration (WLCG) announced at the Computing for High Energy and Nuclear Physics 2006 conference in Mumbai.

Tony Doyle, leader of the UK particle physics grid, said that corresponds to transferring a DVD worth of scientific data every five seconds. "At these rates it would take 25 days to transfer the nearly 400,000 films listed at and only an hour and a half to transfer the 1,000 flms produced each year by Mumbai-based Bollywood."

The data was shifted from CERN in Switzerland to 12 other computer centres, with the UK end being the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire.

RAL works with sites at UK universisties to form GridPP, the UK particle physics grid, consisting of over 4,000 CPUs and 250 terabytes of storage.
my sister in Paris has a 2.5 megabyte per second wireless connection and pays 10 or 20 euros per month.

Now that is cheap.
apollyon said:
i hope not, cuz i'll go bankrupt buying dvd media

So true!!! But by then, HDD size also would have increased. You already have close to 1 TB of space. By then, you will have close to 5 or 6 maybe.
Of course we'll get it here soon. But then, download limit will still be 1GB/month. :tongue: Over that, per MB cost will be 100Rs. And an unlimited connection will be 20K/month.
ppl in foreign countries get ....high speed..but situation is different in india.i dont think...this sort of transfer rate can be affordable by our isp.lets hope for the best. if that happens....nobody ll get dvds from market....that ll be huge loss to the they ll ve some applied conditions for getting this sort of transfer rate.
Net bandwidth is a digital resource (which means it shld be unlimited...hopefully)...but the excuses for ISP's in India want to conserve bandwidth for whom...god oinly knows?? maybe for the next ice age when we wont be able to leave our homes?? bloody idiots!!
India is India ..

they gonna wake up wen Nepal will be in the fray to edge past us ..

They allot bandwidth as if they hv to allot it from their own pocket..
Eh, just so you guys know, there are ISP's in Pakistan that provide speeds around 720 kbps, unlm for around Rs.2500-4000 per month. A paki friend on another forums.....and he laughed when i told him my state, specially when i said it was the best our isp's could offer. (Airtel 256 kbps ulm for 1k)
There are unltd schemes for 1mbps... only thing is it is not offered by the biggies.

Ask your friend how common that 720kbps speed is.....Or where all in Pak it is available. And it may be a commercial package.

It will be a very small percentage. It is available in India too.