Download Cricket world cup full matches


I would like to download and watch few world cup matches later in my life.

Is there any genuine or alternate solution where it is available so can download now and preserve it for future ?

Torrents are anyways dead so looking for a promising solution.

I would even like to get world cup 2011 matches if that's possible as well.

I'm sure many out there might also be looking for the same.
I saw 2011 world cup match Dvds in grey market a decade ago, this guy was selling lot of pirated stuff.
Mumbai, fort area.
Lol! no. YT is all crap with vlog bs commentary in the name of highlights and full matches. All videos are to lose direction and divert audiences to their sheer bakwas bakbak.
Then best to contact BCCI or ICC. Check there sites in case they archive match recordings.
Bumping this thread again..

Can someone help with latest T20 final match HD or 4k video download link?

If possible all T20 matches played by India.

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