Guys plz remember, use this only wen its verrry necessary...
Else say bye-bye to p2p networks..

I'l use these only wen the torrent is verrry slow..
WhY u ask??
because, it will download at slow speeds tell then i download something wlse, secondly, the torrent will be seeded at high speeds till it its downloding!!!
So every one is happy..
I tried it today, and they were downloading at 190kbps, the torret was from TPB..abt equal seeders and leechers..
The torrent was uploading at 20kbps...

WEn i download the torrent i wasnt getting constant speeds it was varying between 15 to 32kbps on my 900ul ,

It was resumable, But did not allow split parts/multiple connections..
From a p2p standpoint,its just hit and run.I can see torrent admin's wont like this very much.

The max i got was 1000kB/s for one torrent to imageshack servers (wonder why its not faster),but image shack servers to my pc is so slow,when i try to download it to my pc,it never goes above 10-15kB/s from imageshack (both on 256k and 2M).

Another observation,upload seem to be capped to a much lower value than downloads.

Maybe the box is getting hammered..