Download + Upload Meter

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Staff member
Hi Guys...

This weekend I will be moving to a Tata Photon+ connection. Obviously this is capped to 15 GB (UL+DL). The DL+UL amount which their windows based connectivity client shows is based off an Access .mdb file, which I do not trust. I used a friends connection some months back, and it showed I had DL'ed ~ 181 TB in 8 hours....! And their websites updates from the switches on a 48 hour increment.

Any application available, which I can install, which keeps a track of the data I have transacted, and retains the same. Basically sums the DL+UL, and can be re-started (zeroed out) on whim. Displays how much I have DL+UL. Thanks....!
Try this DU Meter Home Page i am using this for last 2 year its awesome and works great in almost all OS i.e Windows xp,Windows 7 32 bit, 64 bit and so on (don't know about vista never used vista OS). if this helps then you may please add me to rep point.
Awesome responses guys. All of you, do these applications create an incremental log. So it will continue, after I boot up after a shut down. I.E. add on to the amounts..?
I can second the Du meter app, it is a very reliable thing and can load up at the startup, have been using it since ages.
asingh said:
Awesome responses guys. All of you, do these applications create an incremental log. So it will continue, after I boot up after a shut down. I.E. add on to the amounts..?

Yes buddy, bandwidth meter pro will give you very detailed info like volume used daily, last week, last month, last 30 days, till now and all. Even daily usage. I will post a screenshot tonight.
asingh said:
Thanks guys. Tried them all. Bandwidth Meter is the best.

Check Netlimiter too. It shows stats by year, month, day etc.

mrintech said:
Buddy an Offtoipc Question :)

How much Download and Upload Speed you are getting with Tata Photon+?

Thanks :)

It varies greatly with your location. At some places I have got 300+ steady for continous periods but at my college where I use it most of the time I get around 70-80avg and sometimes 140+
varkey said:
It varies greatly with your location. At some places I have got 300+ steady for continous periods but at my collere where I use it most of the time I get around 70-80avg and sometimes 140+

Thanks a Lot :)
Try BWmeter by Desksoft. Not free but very powerful features. Very good monitoring and logging and you can stop transfers when reached set limit etc.
mrintech said:
Buddy an Offtoipc Question :)

How much Download and Upload Speed you are getting with Tata Photon+?

Thanks :)

Yet to activate it. The activation module could not recognize my system audio path for some reason, and shuts down. Will take it back to the shop, to activate the module.

Julian said:
Try BWmeter by Desksoft. Not free but very powerful features. Very good monitoring and logging and you can stop transfers when reached set limit etc.

Sure, thanks. Will try it out..!

This is what I get during the day. 4:30 PM.

Mumbai Server:


USA/San Francisco Server:
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