Downloading in sleep Mode??

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I notice that my internet connection closes down when I set the PC to sleep.:P

Is there anyway for me to leave my computer on overnight, free to download while in sleep mode:S
:O i really doubt thats possible.....its something like , u continue to chat online while u are sleeping :P . In sleep mode the HDD is the 1st thing that spins down / shuts off.....

If your NIC supports it can "wake-up" on activity and tweak it via BIOS / modded drivers for it not to turn off when in sleep mode , in that way the hdd will also spin down and continue to run.......that would something like everything is running and just your monitor is off....

simplest of all methods :) - download on, monitor off :) unless you have a mammoth of a gpu that sucks a lot of power on idle :) in that case its time to move on to an el-cheapo download rig.
why do u have to put ur pc to sleep

just switch off the monitor dats it

or u can change the settings from the power options in control panel!!
I think downloading in sleep-like mode is possible in Lappy... coz even when u close ur lappy lid it keeps downloading... but thats like switching off ur monitor and downloading :p
If you put your computer into sleep or hibernation mode, it will turn off your network connection and stop any download activity. If you want to download stuff, leave the computer on but turn the monitor off to save a little bit of power.

I think downloading in sleep-like mode is possible in Lappy... coz even when u close ur lappy lid it keeps downloading... but thats like switching off ur monitor and downloading :p

The laptop isn't sleeping in that case and you're merely turning off the display away from you. That's like turning a desktop monitor flat on its face. :D
MaRKiV said:
I think downloading in sleep-like mode is possible in Lappy... coz even when u close ur lappy lid it keeps downloading... but thats like switching off ur monitor and downloading :p

in that case im guessing it has to be redirected to some external media ? but then the external media would shut off! in sleep mode , i doubt USBs would work in sleep mode....or it goes on the hdd itself ?.....but then if the network and the hdd aint sleeping in the sleep mode , then its cheating :lol: or you need to have 2NICs to move the data somewhere else where another PC is awake and not sleeping :lol:

its high time hardware manufacturers give "on/off" switches on PC hardware for the benefit of all.....imagine all the power everyone could save just turning off the gpu's whilst downloading :ohyeah:......
use the conservative power mode wid 'never' selected as the option for turning off pc n hdd.

sleep/hibernation modes are to save power widout losing any work/settings at that moment...kinf of a pause-quit-resume thing.
knoughtyd said:
I notice that my internet connection closes down when I set the PC to sleep.:P

Is there anyway for me to leave my computer on overnight, free to download while in sleep mode:S

Can you yourself play cricket while sleeping ? I wonder what you were smoking before asking this question:rofl: .
i dont know if what u r doing is possible or not but u can
try this for the internet to stay on when ur pc is in sleep::--

go in device manager>>
>click on the "+" of network adapters
>right click on the network adapter
>click on properties (a window will open)
>click on power management
>>>>>uncheck the first box that says --"allow the pc to turn off this device to save power"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>also unchech the second box

also try this for the HDD::--
go in power options in control panel>>
>click on change plan settings of ur power plan
>click on change advanced power settings
>click on the "+" for Hard disk ,set the settings as never
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