PC Peripherals "DRAM prices likely to drop in Dec, say module makers"

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Acc to DigiTimes : Average spot prices for eTT 1Gb DDR2 chips trended down 0.76% and 1.60% in one day to close at US$2.60 and US$2.45, ... Quotes for 1Gb DDR3 also slid 0.68% during the day to US$2.89 on average.

DRAM prices likely to drop in December, say module makers

The makers have also speculated that Korea-based chipmakers who have already turned profitability are likely to take advantage of their cost competitiveness and slash prices to boost shipments.

Seasonal effects are showing in the DRAM sector, which has seen weak spot prices. But Korea suppliers now see no need to intervene in DRAM prices, since the Taiwan government is likely to fail in establishing Taiwan Innovation Memory Company (TIMC, previously Taiwan Memory Company), the module makers said. The chip vendors would allow DRAM prices to follow market mechanisms, they added.

Previous reports cited market observers as indicating that major DRAM producers intended to push chip prices upward in order to minimize the possibility of the Taiwan government going ahead with the TIMC project, which aims to revamp the island's capacity-driven DRAM industry.


Also : DRAM production costs to drop significantly in 2010, say Taiwan makers
With more DRAM producers progressing to next-generation production process, the competition in die shrink will cause an overall reduction in DRAM production costs in 2010, according to sources at Taiwan-based DRAM makers.
A recent iSuppli report suggested that the worldwide DRAM industry now has sufficient manufacturing capacity to last through 2012, allowing suppliers to devote most of their expenditures on migration to more advanced process geometries rather than on capacity expansion.
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