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Hi everybody, well there has been a lot of work going on behind the scenes and we are now able to offer the latest Dreamlinux 3.5 Release Candidate 4, which is a testing release in the build up to the final release at the end of the year.
As always each release gets posted on the forum first so that members always get the scoop before it is publicly announced.
There is a torrent available and although everybody is going to be keen to download, install and start playing, we do urge members to seed so that everybody gets a fast speed.
There will be a direct download via one of our mirrors soon, but we thought a torrent running would give a few of you a head start.
Please read the stickies at the top of this board before testing.
Forum Staff and Developement Team
The torrent is hosted at The Pirate Bay:
Dreamlinux 3.5 RC4 (download torrent) - TPB
And the Md5sum is f47a750f75818894e78274b1c6a3a1a0
Rules and general testing info