Linux Dreamlinux 3.5 Review : Making Dream Comes True

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Dark Star


So here is the pdf of Dreamlinux 3.5.. Please find the attached file and enjoy...

Kindly note that this article has been published in Linux for you , a Linux Magazine in India.. and its under their License . .So any use of this review is restricted for one month the article wil be published under CC SA Unported... I have asked the editor to share this pdf and he has allowed me to do so.. Please keep license in mind before using it


The editor did a lot of editing as I initially wrote the review keeping Gnome ISO in mind but later on he changed it to XFCE and thus some major editing :P

Download Link : Dreamlinux Review.7z

This review has been published in Linuxforyou May 2009 issue you can check and buy it from LINUX For You-THE COMPLETE MAGAZINE ON OPEN SOURCE
Well, nice work, as usual :D

Plus point is the interesting DL Installer (single screen you say?) that should be what all distros use!

Minus point is the outdated software, I guess they can't test latest releases so quickly...

I like the nice icons and Mac-ish looks... very nice indeedy.
I wouldn't say as much that it's outdated software as much as all stable versions. Most of these can very easily be updated so not too big a deal.

Simply great review Darky I personally love this Distro and would love to see the few who put so much effort into this release, get proper credit for all their hard work.

Thank you for showcasing such a great review hopefully it will inspire some more interest in DreamLinux.
^^Thanks dan sir :)

I wouldn't have mulled over old applications. but the base should be new, providing Xorg 1.3 , alsa 1.0.16 is not acceptable.. When you 3 newer release

after the shipped version.. Providing older version have less support for new hardware and might not even work..

As far as s.w goes.. Gimp 2.6.0 is suppose to be the bugiest release with lots of problems.. Thats why its sometimes its necessary to provide recent release...

Yes one can update using Synaptic but in India lots of people are still stuck with 128kbps plan and with that speed updating so much utils. is pretty painful

:( Other than that the shipped version of XBMC didn't do full screen. .I didn't mention that but the same shipped with Sabayon [don't know if its the same

release ] does provide full scrreen 720 p experience :)

Nonethelss .. I think I under-rated it :P Like always I am not lenient providing marks to s.w and hardware :P :P
^^Its so easy that you don't even need any help to install it !

Also I believe you are linux user , then why asking for installation help :|
yeah i know i have used dream linux before !!

i love to read any info i get about linux .. it totally turns me on ..
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